
Unable to disable build of AWS, HDFS, Kafka and GCP

lissyx opened this issue · 4 comments

System information

  • Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in TensorFlow): no
  • OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04): any
  • Mobile device (e.g. iPhone 8, Pixel 2, Samsung Galaxy) if the issue happens on mobile device: any
  • TensorFlow installed from (source or binary): source
  • TensorFlow version (use command below): master
  • Python version: N/A
  • Bazel version (if compiling from source): N/A
  • GCC/Compiler version (if compiling from source): N/A
  • CUDA/cuDNN version: N/A
  • GPU model and memory: N/A
  • Exact command to reproduce: ./configure

Describe the problem

When building TensorFlow as a library (and in our case using --config=monolithic), we used to remove as much as possible of the not used features. Recently, this was removed from master in d56c298 for AWS, HDFS, Kafka and GCP.

I understand that that having to deal with multiple optionnally-disabled features can be a huge burden for the future, but is it possible to have some way around ?

gunan commented

Discussed offline.
I will need to reintroduce a way to disable building these into our build system.
I am thinking having these default on, but having --config options such as noaws, nogcp, nohdfs and nokafka
What do you think?

I think that any solution that is okay for you in term of complexity and allows us to disable should be good :)

Thanks for that!

@gunan Hello, I'm testing that on current master, my build command line does include --config=noaws --config=nogcp --config=nohdfs --config=nokafka --config=noignite and yet, checking out the bazel-out/ subdirectories, I find .o and .d files that have been rebuilt, under aws-cpp-sdk-core, aws-cpp-sdk-kinesis and aws-cpp-sdk-s3, am I missing something ?