
M1 Apple machine support

EdwardCuiPeacock opened this issue · 4 comments

Currently, TFX hard codes the tensorflow version here https://github.com/tensorflow/tfx/blob/master/tfx/dependencies.py, which specifically uses tensorflow package. However, tensorflow is not supported on M1 Apple silicon; users need to install tensorflow-macos in order to run tensorflow (does not change Python imports in scripts). Tensorflow has yet to support arm64 wheels for M1 Apple silicon (see this issue: tensorflow/tensorflow#57185). So at the meantime, it will be nice to offer certain platform-dependent flexibility that allows the M1 silicon users to use tensorflow-macos as depedency.


This feature request is already in progress and team is working on priority for this, but there are internal infrastructure reasons for why this has proceeded slowly.

Rest assured, You can follow this TF forum thread for updates and we will update this thread once we have some updates.

Thank you!

Thank you for the response. @singhniraj08 Looking forward to being able to do fully local development on my new machine.

+1 , thanks for the great work. The TF 2.13 now supports apple silicon natively (https://blog.tensorflow.org/2023/07/whats-new-in-tensorflow-213-and-keras-213.html). I am looking forward to the TFX support on apple silicon soon.