
BigQueryExampleGen failing in InteractiveContext on 1.14.0

colinjc opened this issue · 7 comments

System information

  • Have I specified the code to reproduce the issue (Yes, No): yes
  • Environment in which the code is executed (e.g., Local(Linux/MacOS/Windows),
    Interactive Notebook, Google Cloud, etc): Linux, Notebook
  • TensorFlow version:
  • TFX Version: 1.14.0
  • Python version: 2.9
  • Python dependencies (from pip freeze output):

Describe the current behavior

When using BigQueryExampleGen in a notebook using InteractiveContext it returns a JSON decoding error. This may also be true for pipelines executed on KFP, but I haven't tried it.

Describe the expected behavior

The query executes successfully

Standalone code to reproduce the issue

import tfx

example_gen = tfx.v1.extensions.google_cloud_big_query.BigQueryExampleGen(
    query="SELECT * FROM ...",
context.run(example_gen, enable_cache=False)

Name of your Organization (Optional)

Other info / logs

Adding custom_config="{}" works around this issue

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_1951224/1954825689.py in <cell line: 6>()
      4     query="SELECT * FROM sdp-stg-cti-data.intermediate.nits_training_set",
      5 )
----> 6 context.run(example_gen, enable_cache=False)

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tfx/orchestration/experimental/interactive/notebook_utils.py in run_if_ipython(*args, **kwargs)
     29       # __IPYTHON__ variable is set by IPython, see
     30       # https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/rel-0.10.2/html/interactive/reference.html#embedding-ipython.
---> 31       return fn(*args, **kwargs)
     32     else:
     33       logging.warning(

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tfx/orchestration/experimental/interactive/interactive_context.py in run(self, component, enable_cache, beam_pipeline_args)
    162         telemetry_utils.LABEL_TFX_RUNNER: runner_label,
    163     }):
--> 164       execution_id = launcher.launch().execution_id
    166     return execution_result.ExecutionResult(

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tfx/orchestration/launcher/base_component_launcher.py in launch(self)
    204       # be immutable in this context.
    205       # output_dict can still be changed, specifically properties.
--> 206       self._run_executor(execution_decision.execution_id,
    207                          copy.deepcopy(execution_decision.input_dict),
    208                          execution_decision.output_dict,

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tfx/orchestration/launcher/in_process_component_launcher.py in _run_executor(self, execution_id, input_dict, output_dict, exec_properties)
     71     # be immutable in this context.
     72     # output_dict can still be changed, specifically properties.
---> 73     executor.Do(
     74         copy.deepcopy(input_dict), output_dict, copy.deepcopy(exec_properties))

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tfx/components/example_gen/base_example_gen_executor.py in Do(self, input_dict, output_dict, exec_properties)
    277     logging.info('Generating examples.')
    278     with self._make_beam_pipeline() as pipeline:
--> 279       example_splits = self.GenerateExamplesByBeam(pipeline, exec_properties)
    281       # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned, no-value-for-parameter

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tfx/components/example_gen/base_example_gen_executor.py in GenerateExamplesByBeam(self, pipeline, exec_properties)
    199         buckets.append(total_buckets)
    200       example_splits = (
--> 201           pipeline
    202           | 'InputToRecord' >>
    203           # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/apache_beam/transforms/ptransform.py in __ror__(self, pvalueish, _unused)
   1091   def __ror__(self, pvalueish, _unused=None):
-> 1092     return self.transform.__ror__(pvalueish, self.label)
   1094   def expand(self, pvalue):

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/apache_beam/transforms/ptransform.py in __ror__(self, left, label)
    612     pvalueish = _SetInputPValues().visit(pvalueish, replacements)
    613     self.pipeline = p
--> 614     result = p.apply(self, pvalueish, label)
    615     if deferred:
    616       return result

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/apache_beam/pipeline.py in apply(self, transform, pvalueish, label)
    664       old_label, transform.label = transform.label, label
    665       try:
--> 666         return self.apply(transform, pvalueish)
    667       finally:
    668         transform.label = old_label

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/apache_beam/pipeline.py in apply(self, transform, pvalueish, label)
    710         transform.type_check_inputs(pvalueish)
--> 712       pvalueish_result = self.runner.apply(transform, pvalueish, self._options)
    714       if type_options is not None and type_options.pipeline_type_check:

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/apache_beam/runners/runner.py in apply(self, transform, input, options)
    199            ):
    200     # TODO(robertwb): Remove indirection once internal references are fixed.
--> 201     return self.apply_PTransform(transform, input, options)
    203   def apply_PTransform(self, transform, input, options):

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/apache_beam/runners/runner.py in apply_PTransform(self, transform, input, options)
    203   def apply_PTransform(self, transform, input, options):
    204     # TODO(robertwb): Remove indirection once internal references are fixed.
--> 205     return transform.expand(input)
    207   def is_fnapi_compatible(self):

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/apache_beam/transforms/ptransform.py in expand(self, pcoll)
    994       # Might not be a function.
    995       pass
--> 996     return self._fn(pcoll, *args, **kwargs)
    998   def default_label(self):

~/.pyenv/virtualenvs/cti-ml-xgboost/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tfx/extensions/google_cloud_big_query/example_gen/executor.py in _BigQueryToExample(pipeline, exec_properties, split_pattern)
     67   converter = _BigQueryConverter(split_pattern, project)
     68   big_query_custom_config = (
---> 69       json.loads(exec_properties['custom_config'])
     70       if 'custom_config' in exec_properties
     71       else None

~/.pyenv/versions/3.9.15/lib/python3.9/json/__init__.py in loads(s, cls, object_hook, parse_float, parse_int, parse_constant, object_pairs_hook, **kw)
    337     else:
    338         if not isinstance(s, (bytes, bytearray)):
--> 339             raise TypeError(f'the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, '
    340                             f'not {s.__class__.__name__}')
    341         s = s.decode(detect_encoding(s), 'surrogatepass')

TypeError: the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not NoneType

The BigQueryExampleGen executor code is written to accept custom_config in below format:
custom_config = json.dumps({'query_key': 'query_value'})

But, when we don't pass custom_config to BigQueryExampleGen, it fails with error: TypeError: the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not NoneType.

@colinjc, Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

@roseayeon , Loading BigQuery custom config fails when we don't pass custom_config param to BigQueryExampleGen or set custom_config=None or custom_config={}. Is this expected? Thanks

Ref: Screenshot

Oh, this is not an intended behavior. Let me fix it shortly.

I am facing the same error while using BigQueryExampleGen. Any update on the fix?

Facing the same error. Any update on the fix ?

Hey, still not fixed yet ? @lego0901

Adding custom_config=json.dumps({}) works as a temporary fix

This is fixed. Thanks for your all comments!

Are you satisfied with the resolution of your issue?