

YiQ-Zhao opened this issue · 5 comments


It seems that the example didn't use Word2Vec. I am trying to load pre-trained vectors to represent these words. Do you think it will be helpful to to improve the bot performance? I can't figure out how to do that. Do you have any examples showing the similar procedures?

Thank you in advance!

if you don't have the word2vec parameters and table, you can train one here https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/blob/master/example/tutorial_word2vec_basic.py

then you can use the pre-trained parameters like that https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/blob/master/example/tutorial_generate_text.py#L371

hope it helps

Thank you for your reply. I'm a newbie to deep learning. I didn't quite understand the code in these two examples. What I wanted is to use GloVe to represent these words and train the seq2seq model.

glove_weights_initializer = tf.constant_initializer(weights)
embedding_weights = tf.get_variable(

 net_encode = tl.layers.EmbeddingInputlayer(inputs=encode_seqs, vocabulary_size=xvocab_size, embedding_size=emb_dim, E_init=embedding_weights)

I'm quite sure this would not work. I saw in the tutorial_generate_text you used
tl.layers.assign_params(sess, [load_params[0]], emb_net) to load the existing embedding matrix. However, the net_encode is a part of model() function, how do I load the pre-trained parameters to it? Also, I don't know where the model_word2vec_50k_128.npy comes from. Is it possible to generate such a .npy file using glove.42B.300d.txt file?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Hi, you need to make sure the lookup table you are using have the same dimension with your layer, otherwise, that parameters can't be assigned into the layer.

the model_word2vec_50k_128.npy is from the word2vec tutorial the link I send you, you can train one by simply run the code.

Thanks. Your suggestions were all very helpful to me.
