Load n.npz failed!
zhangzhenslamdunk opened this issue · 7 comments
zhangzhenslamdunk commented
i have this error: Load n.npz failed!
May I know why it is like this?
zsdonghao commented
hi, i can't answer your question basic on what you told me here.
here is the code which print this information:
it seems that you don't provide the correct model location to the API.
wagamamaz commented
You can't load the model, unless you already trained the model
zhangzhenslamdunk commented
thanks, it seems the training takes long, how long does it take?
zsdonghao commented
It takes few hours on Titan X Pascal
zhangzhenslamdunk commented
i see. thanks!
zhangzhenslamdunk commented
i can choose to train only using a portion of the cornell data, right? just for testing purpose.
zsdonghao commented
@zhangzhenslamdunk yes you can