
🚀🚀 Model Compression and Model Acceleration in TensorLayer

zsdonghao opened this issue · 7 comments


------- before 12 Aug 2018 -------

@XJTUWYD add two compress strategies tenary weight network and dorefa-net into tensorlayer, did two experiments to compare the accuracy of different compress strategies based on mnist and cifar-10.
the result of the experiment is below:

BinaryNet Tenary Weight DoReFa-Net
MNIST 98.86% 99.27% 98.89%
CIFAR10 41.1% 80.6% 81.1%

@XJTUWYD : bnn is a excellent work in the compression of neuron network but it can not get a satisfied accuracy on relative large datasets, in order to solve the problem, tenary weight networks and dorefa were put forward. I add 4 apis for tensorlayer, Tenary Denselayer, TenaryConv2d, DorefaDenselayer, and DorefaConv2d . I perform 6 experiment based on mnist and cifar10,the details are in thr tutorials. Finally thank you very much for the help of HaoDong, LuoMai, and Igarithm.

------- before 15 March 2018 -------

Hi, I am trying to make TensorLayer/ TensorFlow to support BinaryNet, Xnor-Net, SqueezeNet, MobileNet, ShuffleNet, DoReFaNet, Channel Pruning and etc. Feel free to discuss and add more information here. ~

Paper List

1. Quantization

  • Quantized Neural Networks: Training Neural Networks with Low Precision Weights and Activations paper
  • Binarized Neural Networks: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1 paper itayhubara/BinaryNet.tf
  • Ternary Weight Networks paper
  • XNOR-Net: ImageNet Classification Using Binary Convolutional Neural Networks paper AngusG/tensorflow-xnor-bnn
  • DoReFa-Net: Training Low Bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Bitwidth Gradients paper
  • Towards Accurate Binary Convolutional Neural Network paper

2. Pruning

  • Channel Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks paper

3. Structure

About TensorLayer & TensorFlow


Release 1.8.2


This is an experimental API package for building Binary Nets. We are using matrix multiplication rather than add-minus and bit-count operation at the moment. Therefore, these APIs would not speed up the inferencing, for production, you can train model via TensorLayer and deploy the model into other customized C/C++ implementation (We probably provide users an extra C/C++ binary net framework that can load model from TensorLayer).


  • For binary input, use XNOR, bit-count operation to replace matrix multiplication (i.e. dot production).
  • For non binary input, use add and minus operation to replace matrix multiplication.

Release SqueezeNet Example

🚀 https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/blob/master/example/tutorial_squeezenet.py

About MobileNet and ShuffleNet

Q: I found a problem of MobileNet and ShuffleNet: they use depthwise convolution, but TensorFlow's tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d and tf.nn.separable_conv2d kernel are very slow , so in practice, it seems that these methods could not speed up a lot? tensorflow/tensorflow#12940

A: TensorFlow 1.5 solved this problem, these operator run faster now.

Release DoReFa-Net, BinaryNet, Ternary Weight Network 🚀

Release MobileNetV1 (3 time faster than Keras)


  • Note that, TensorLayer MobileNet is 3 time faster than Keras (same weights and architecture).
  • TensorLayer takes 0.001~0.002 second for one image on Titan XP.
  • Keras takes 0.004~0.005 second for one image on Titan XP.
import keras
keras_model = keras.applications.mobilenet.MobileNet(input_shape=None, alpha=1.0, depth_multiplier=1, dropout=1e-3, include_top=True, weights='imagenet', input_tensor=None, pooling=None, classes=1000)
prob = keras_model.predict(np.asarray([img]), batch_size=1)

TODO MobileNetV2

Which weights? I'm getting bad predictions for 'tiger.jpeg' :
('Predicted :', [(u'n09472597', u'volcano', 0.20799732), (u'n03388043', u'fountain', 0.1508058), (u'n06874185', u'traffic_light', 0.12433123)])

I'm using mobilenet.npz