
Sidebar layout iPhone X not full to bottom

StevenVerheyen opened this issue · 5 comments


I was investigating a lay-out issue that the sidemenu view is not displayed fully to the bottom of the application. Might this be misconfiguration or a bug in the framework?

This is only an issue with iPhone X.
Thanks in advance!

screen shot 2017-11-25 at 11 07 09

Issue is fixed and in PR ready for merge here: #137

@StevenVerheyen your code is start under the status bar.
but @teodorpatras code is start status area.
and then it is need to change my code.

Issue is fixed and in PR ready for merge here: #146

This is not included in 0.2.4. How to get this update?

i have a similar problem but in my case the menu is at the bottom but showing a black space at the top