InteractivePopGestureRecognzier on navigation controller can't be enabled
acsarraf opened this issue · 1 comments
acsarraf commented
I was wondering if there is anyway to enable the pop gesture recognizer in a nav. I basically have one controller that is shown through the side menu that ends up pushing another controller, and i want to be able to swipe back.
I've managed to stop the side menu controller from showing when i do show the next controller by overriding your func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldReceive touch: UITouch) -> Bool
function, but can't seem to re-enable the pop gesture.
acsarraf commented
My problem was that i added a navigation item to the view of the controller in question through the storyboard. Removing it made it work normally, and i removed my gesture recognizer override function.