Push SideMenuController not showing navigation bar with Humberger Menu
vijayradke opened this issue · 0 comments
vijayradke commented
I tried to push side menu controller using below code, controller is pushed but no navigation bar of side menu controller, Here app is showing main navigation bar with previous controller tile on back button.
Note: In my app SideMenu Controller is not initial controller.
Here "MYSideMenuViewController" is subclass of SideMenuController. SideMenuViewController is subclass of UIViewController act as a right side menu in my case.
EvaluationViewController is subclass of UIViewController and act as center view.
let sideMenuController = MYSideMenuViewController()
let sideMenuVC = SideMenuViewController.instantiate()
let evaluationViewController = EvaluationViewController.instantiate()
let navigationVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: evaluationViewController)
sideMenuController.embed(sideViewController: sideMenuVC)
sideMenuController.embed(centerViewController: navigationVC)
navigationController?.pushViewController(sideMenuController, animated: true)
Please help to fix this issue.