
Update to "Building a player"

newface69 opened this issue · 2 comments

I have use your post "Building a player" and it works fine.
I have use a Zero W.
But looking at the Issues it looks like you have made updates to the software, and I don't see them in the version you refers to in your post (slimmer version 1.2.1).
Would it be possible to update the "cd /tmp && wget https://github.com/terba/slimmer/releases/download/v1.2.1/slimmer-bundle.tar.bz2" to current version?

terba commented

Hi! 1.2.1 is the latest release. The changes you mentioned are only available in the source code repository. I will make a new release later, when I'm ready with some new features. See milestone 2.0 here in the issues of Slimmer.