
General Structure

The main code provided in federated and metrics. The datasets used in this study are provided in datasets. Results generated by the code are saved in the results folder.


You'll need a working Python environment to run the code. The required dependencies are specified in the file requirements.txt.

You can install all required dependencies by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Reproducing the results

To build and test the software and produce all results run this in the top level of the repository:

python3 main.py --scenario SCENARIO --fl ALGORITHM --dataset DATASET --varying_disc ALPHA [--thresholds THRESHOLDS] [--window WINDOW]

Reproducing the Results

To build and test the software and produce all results, run the following command in the top level of the repository:

python3 read_all.py --scenarios SCENARIOS --dataset DATASET --varying_disc ALPHA [--window WINDOW]


All source code is made available under a Creative Commons License license. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)