Junk.hoveryMany doesn't work for more than 310 points
Closed this issue · 5 comments
johnhydroware commented
Using Junk.hoverMany on a line chart works fine and the vertical line and text is show. However, after the 310:th point the line still works, but the text isn't shown anymore.
Using Elm 0.19
terezka commented
Thanks for reporting! Will check it out
groob commented
I am also encountering this issue, or at least something similar. I have less than 310 points though.
Here's the example I was tinkering with.
groob commented
For my issue, I was able to debug and get a fix, though not necessarily a correct one:
diff --git a/src/Internal/Junk.elm b/src/Internal/Junk.elm
index 11f86be..d1bd43a 100644
--- a/src/Internal/Junk.elm
+++ b/src/Internal/Junk.elm
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ hover system x styles =
containerStyles =
[ if shouldFlip system x
- then ( "transform", "translate(-100%, -50%)" )
+ then ( "transform", "translate(0, -50%)" )
else ( "transform", "translate(0, -50%)" )
++ styles
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ hoverAt system x y styles view =
containerStyles =
standardStyles ++ posititonStyles ++ styles
- Html.div (List.map (\(p,v) -> Html.Attributes.style p v) styles) view
+ Html.div (List.map (\(p,v) -> Html.Attributes.style (Debug.log "internal.p" p) (Debug.log "internal.v" v)) styles) view
groob commented
I realize now that this is makes sense on the demo where the widget flips halfway through. If my chart was properly styled I wouldn't have the bug =)
johnhydroware commented
That fix worked for my problem also!