
Bad Request for completion

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm trying to debug SourceKittenDaemon but can't seem to get any debug output. Is there a flag or env variable to see what the actual error is?

My test is to create a swift project (command line) that barely has any code:

import Foundation

print("Hello, World!")

let r = GCR

I then start the server:

$ sourcekittendaemon start --project ~/Desktop/demo/demo.xcodeproj --port 8888 --verbose

And try to query:

$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:8888/complete?X-Offset=51Users%2Fsean%2FDesktop%2Fdemo%2Fdemo%2Fmain.swift&X-File=%2FUsers%2Fsean%2FDesktop%2Fdemo%2Fdemo%2Fmain.swift"

But only get the response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Length: 11
Content-Type: text/plain

Bad Request

Any help would be appreciated!


Looks like you're sending the wrong value for X-Offset:


Sorry, bad copy/paste on my part. Even with this:

curl "http://localhost:8888/complete?X-Offset=51&X-Path=%2FUsers%2Fsean%2FDesktop%2Fdemo%2Fdemo%2Fmain.swift&X-File=%2FUsers%2Fsean%2FDesktop%2Fdemo%2Fdemo%2Fmain.swift"

it gives Bad Request

X-Path and X-Offset are not query parameters, they're HTTP Headers, try:
curl "http://localhost:8888/complete" --header "X-Offset: 51" --header "X-Path: /Users/sean/file.swift"

Does that work?

Ah, yep, that was it. Thanks!