
Migrate to Xcode 8.0.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I tried to send a pull-req for migration to Xcode 8.0, but Talyor is not developed actively.
What should be done?

Hey @mitsuse I still haven't upgrade to Xcode 8.0 (hesitant,) so won't be able to look into this until then - is it possible to use Swift 2.3 frameworks in a Swift 3 project? I would have imagined it was possible and that we shouldn't need to do anything apart from get Taylor onto Swift 2.3 and tell Carthage it's a Swift 2.3 dependency somehow?


There is no binary-compatibility between Swift 2.x and 3.x.

First, Swift 2.3 and Swift 3 are not binary compatible so your app's entire code base needs to pick one version of Swift.


Hmm, reconsidering to migration, there seems to be almost no advantage for the present...
We should wait for SourceKitten to migrates to Swift 3 and replace Taylor with other library.

SourceKitten will migrate to Swift 3 from the next release.


I agree regards to waiting for SourceKitten, in terms of Taylor we could simply do the migration ourselves. I've only just upgrade to Xcode 8 so getting familiar with the nuances there. Although (thankfully) SourceKittenDaemon works perfectly fine with Xcode 8 for me.

I can close this ticket, right?