
Ramme not remembering login info

32gits opened this issue · 8 comments

After telling the app to save my login info, sometimes when I quit the app and reopen I have to login again.

Does that happen on the web version too? I think this does happen when you frequently switch networks which leads to you session to be terminated.

@anatolinicolae Hmm. Could be related to the fact that I'm on a VPN then?

If you do constantly use the VPN and you don't visit instagram while not on VPN, no. Otherwise yes.

Give it a try on the browser. Log on the site, switch networks, wait some time, switch again, and so on... This behaviour should ask you to login in again... 🤷‍♂️

and also it does not update the feeds

I am having the same problem that Ramme won't remember my login.
I use a vpn continuously. Ramme never use to forget my login but it has started to about 2 weeks ago.
Even in the same session.

Then it's definitely an Instagram issue since we do not set cookie or token expires...

Is it an Instagram Issue? As it seems that only a couple of us has asked about this problem could it be something else?
Possibly an OS update? I'm using Ubuntu 16.04. Just wondering.

I'm on Mac with Chrome and this has been happening to me lately on the web version 🤷‍♂️