
bug: wrong length of returned value when iterable is the same size as limit

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I've encountered an issue with simultan when iterable and limit are the same size. The resolved promise has 1 less item than expected.

Here's a quick repro. You can check it here live if you'd like: https://runkit.com/alrico88/simultan-issue-repro

const {simultan} = require('simultan');
const {sleep, Unit} = require('espera');

const response = await simultan(['1', '2', '3'], async (d) => {
    await sleep(1, Unit.seconds);
    return d;
}, 3);

The expected response should be ['1', '2', '3'], but instead it returns ["1", "2"].

I think the issue stems from using Promise.race when iterable.length === limit. Wouldn't it be better to directly apply Promise.all in that case?