
Error during update with this module disabled

Ruudt opened this issue · 6 comments

In the unlikely event that the _autoload extension (PSR-0 / Namespace Class Loader) is disabled, then during updates of an extension like Isotope, upgrade will fail because the extension may rely on the autoloading.

Fatal error: Class 'Isotope\Upgrade' not found in \system\modules\isotope\config\upgrade.php on line 17

I'm not sure if this is an issue that needs to be addressed, the _autoload extension should not be disabled, but it went wrong on a website and I quickly realized I had to remove the .skip file in /system/modules/_autoload to quickly resolve the problem.

ps, or is the an ER issue??

Well, it's a dependency. If a dependency isn't satisfied, everything crashes. How would you want to address this issue? It's impossible :)

It's something we need to report to Leo because the safe mode does not work in this case… I have had the same problem recently.

At least mentioning the error will be good for future reference might anyone else encounter the problem and search for a solution online. Error could be prevented if Contao checks dependencies before running any extension after update.

I'm not sure how this ties into safe mode. Do you report this?

At least mentioning the error

I told you, it's impossible for us to fix. That's why the issue is closed :)

And I agree, keep it closed. But the issue serves several other purposes that might save you time in the future.

Here's a screenshot of the actual issue. Maybe @leofeyer has some input.

bildschirmfoto 2014-03-30 um 21 04 59