
Show operator/voice status in channel member list

Opened this issue · 2 comments

With support for the following

  • halfop h with prefix %
  • voice v with prefix +
  • operator o with prefix @

Already have (unused) function UserModeString for converting IRCCloud API responses to correct prefixes

The isupport_params event gives you the PREFIX configuration for each connection which tells you which symbols to display for each mode.

The defaults we use when PREFIX isn't set is:

  • Oper (Y): !
  • Owner (q): ~
  • Admin (a): &
  • Operator (o): @
  • Halfop (h): %
  • Voice (v): +

Note that some networks use Y for Owner instead of Oper, on these networks there is a parameter in the isupport parameters called "OWNER" that should contain the correct mode letter. You can also check the usermodes attribute on the isupport_params event for a list of all the valid modes on the network.

Oh that's much better, thanks for letting me know!