

BloodANGELdb opened this issue · 3 comments

I apologize for the question. Please tell me if you can, what steps should I take to compile Glibc32 in Termux? Can I do this with Glibc aarch64?

what steps should I take to compile Glibc32 in Termux? Can I do this with Glibc aarch64?

I'm afraid that it will be quite difficult to compile glibc arm using glibc aarch64, since for this you need to have the gcc-armv7h compiler which works on aarch64. It is worth noting that this is still a theory. In practice there may be pitfalls.

Maybe we can add the lib32 multilib packages? They will help me build and run box86 on termux directly :-)

re-opening, as this is planned to be implemented in the future