
Package Request: bsdgames

TheNavyBear opened this issue · 1 comments

I am requesting this package as a way to play the games on my phone while on the subway or an airplane. I have these games on my Pi server which I can use Termux to SSH into and play from there, but I would like to have them local so I can play them when I don't have Internet. Thank you.

Package description
This is a collection of text based games for UNIX consoles.

Link to home page and sources

  1. Info page: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/BSD_games
  2. Source code: https://github.com/vattam/BSDGames

Additional information
I have not compiled this myself as I am not that knowledgeable on compiling software.

I no longer need this software, and I don't want to tie up devs with software no longer needed. I am closing this request.