Shortcuts android 14 Hyperos
Closed this issue · 7 comments
En Android 14 HyperOs Xiaomi redmi note 11s europa, si lo instalo desde F-Droid no me deja dice que hay un conflicto con el paquete. Si lo instalo desde Github si se instala pero solo me muestra Termux:Widget pero no Termux:shortcuts ¿Lo arregláis? Gracias
Official language of all termux repos is English. We do not offer support in other languages.
¿Te cuesta darle a traducir por ejemplo en google translate?
On Android 14 HyperOs Xiaomi redmi note 11s europe, if I install it from F-Droid it doesn't let me, it says there is a conflict with the package. If I install it from Github, it installs but it only shows me Termux:Widget but not Termux:shortcuts. Can you fix it? Thanks
Change your home launcher app. Nova supports shortcuts just fine.
Muchas gracias y feliz año nuevo
¿Te cuesta darle a traducir por ejemplo en google translate?
Do YOU find it difficult to translate, for example in Google Translate?
El mismo trabajo nos cuesta a ambos
Not exactly same case. YOU need some help. Not me. So it is only your responsibility to handle translation.
We use English in all our repos. It is the first Termux community rule, see .
In the case if you do not obey our rules, and do not even care about it, why should we obey you?