[Discussion] How do you intercept Alt+F4 keypress?
elesbb opened this issue · 2 comments
elesbb commented
Hello! Love the app.
I have a question tho, how do you intercept the ALT+F4 keyboard sequence when using a hardware keyboard?
When I press it in my app, it causes the activity to close. I would also like to intercept the ALT+F4 keysequence.
I have looked at your source code and can't exactly figure it out, my only guess is there is a native hook intercepting it, however I'm unsure how it works exactly. I always thought when using native code, you send stuff from java to the native code, not the other way around.
Would really love your assistance. Thanks!
twaik commented
There is an option to intercept system shortcuts in preferences.
elesbb commented
I see. It is a Samsung dex thing not an android thing.
Thank you so very much!