
Error: cannot import name '_ext'

xiaoguo1995 opened this issue · 5 comments


Thank you for your v2 TernausNet, I appreciate your paper on arXiv and I follow your several papers and like the clear logic and intuition.

When I run this code in Demo file, I face an error
ImportError: cannot import name '_ext'
during running this command:
from models.ternausnet2 import TernausNetV2

I check it and find it results from this line:
from . import _ext
from modules\functions.py

I google it and cannot figure how from . import _ext works at all.

Could you please give me some hint to solve this issue?

Thank you very much!



cd modules
chmod +x build.sh
python3 build.py

Thank you very much!

The following tips may help:

For non-sudo user, when run
command, it may face no nvcc error:
run the following command in linux may help:
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/cuda/bin

For people who face g++ compiling error, installed g++ 6.4 and updates the symbolic links in /usr/bin will help.

thank you very much

Where is build.sh file please?

HqWei commented

Where is build.sh file please?
Have you find the build.sh file? I can't find the module folder。

Where is build.sh file please?

Where is build.sh file please?
Have you find the build.sh file? I can't find the module folder。

@cutecy @HuaqiangWei

I check the history and it's deleted by the author. Maybe the new version don't need it anymore.