
help to install

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Someone can help me with that?
" autocompletion by langage:
set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
let g:tern_map_keys=1
let g:tern_show_argument_hints="on_hold"

In my home repertorie
"libs": [
"loadEagerly": [
"plugins": {
"requirejs": {
"baseURL": "./",
"paths": {}

You need to have installed ternjs (sudo npm install -g tern) and do npm install once in tern_for_vim plugin directory (~/.vim/*/tern_for_vim/).

In your ~/.vimrc you must have for tern configuration only (if you want 'on hold'):

let g:tern_show_argument_hints="on_hold"

because plugin sets omnifunc= in javascript files automatically (omnifunc=tern#Complete) .

If you want to have global tern configuration, file name must be: ~/.tern-config, if project only: .tern-project.

Also, for automatic completion menu popup I recommend neocomplete.

I did re-install the package, but still weird.
When I typing I have a new spilt window on the top and inside the function definition below.

fn(pattern: string) -> [string]
Splits a String object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings.

I just don't understand how do it work too?

Which I do install neocomplete or Tern?

Thank you