
Hiccup with parameters gives compiler error

Jarzka opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to use select2 library with hiccups. select2 wants templateResults parameter, which is a function, which returns HTML string wrapped inside jQuery. Like this:

(.select2 dom-node (clj->js {:templateResult (fn [state]
                                               (js/$ (html
                                                        [:label "Value"]
                                                        [:div "Something"]])))}))

It seems that if I want to use parameters from state, the html macro does not work anymore. I get a compile warning saying that hiccups is not even defined if I do this

(.select2 dom-node (clj->js {:templateResult (fn [state]
                                               (js/$ (html
                                                        [:label (:text state)]
                                                        [:div "Something"]])))}))

I wonder if this because html is a macro instead of function. Would it be possible to implement html as a function to make this work?

It seems that I can do this with reagent.dom.server/render-to-string.