
Terraform 0.12 Windows Support

GrzegorzKatze opened this issue · 3 comments

The last pre-released version has support for unix/linux distribution. When or even if will be available version which will include Windows as it was for previous versions?

Do you mean tag v0.1.1? There were quite a few changes since that version, and we do not have CI for Windows support, and we don't know how much interest there is to support another platform. We always welcome contributions to make it work, and we can take a look at setting up things like https://www.appveyor.com to check Windows compatibility, even if we don't make it as required check for all PRs.

@ringods Do you have any opinions on Windows support?

@VoyTechnology Not against it.

Question is: do we have Windows build support on TravisCI or Github Actions? I don't have any Windows machine to support this. I definitely want our builds to be in sync on all platforms so I would not be in favor of having a manual build for Windows while the rest is automated.