
TerraStation: "invalid request: must contain at least one message: failed to simulate tx"

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It is impossible to use Terra Station on localterra. An attempt to transfer funds between accounts ends with a message "invalid request: must contain at least one message: failed to simulate tx".

It seems Terra Station cannot calculate transaction costs and
POST to http://localhost:3060/txs/estimate_fee

returns HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
{"error":"invalid request: must contain at least one message: failed to simulate tx"}

How do I get around it?

The error is from version conflict. Please docker-compose rm to remove existing docker processes and try it again.

The error is from version conflict. Please docker-compose rm to remove existing docker processes and try it again.

it works, thank you.

Miyou commented

Hi @hanjukim. I'm getting the same error when using terra.js 1.8.9. Doing docker-compose rm did not work for me. I tried pulling the latest commit of LocalTerra, but it seems you have removed support for Col-4? On the latest commit I instead get rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = failed to execute message; message index: 0: Error calling the VM: Error during static Wasm validation: Wasm contract missing a required marker export: interface_version_*: store wasm contract failed: invalid request. Can you please tell me which commit removed support for Col-4? And is the prior commit compatible with terra.js 1.8.9? Thanks.

Please use 2.0 version of Terra.js