
Entry point to change the contract config

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Create a entry point that can be executed only though governance that allows to change the configuration of the smart contracts.

Alliance Oracle

Allow changing all the config object:

    "data_expiry_seconds": 86400,
    "controller_addr": "terra1yqz6jj4zm264uvw3h5nd8em7lq2u8xjyangkch"

Alliance Protocol

Enable changing the following properties from the config object:

    "governance": "terra10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700juxf95n",
    "controller": "terra1yqz6jj4zm264uvw3h5nd8em7lq2u8xjyangkch",
    "oracle": "terra1mdpvgjc8jmv60a4x68nggsh9w8uyv69sqls04a76m9med5hsqmwsse8sxa"