
Dead link in oracle docs

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Also here https://docs.terra.money/terracli/oracle.html#submit-an-exchange-rate-vote in

section of the Validator Handbook, and the Oracle Module Specification.

Is there a sanity checker we could run in the CI to make sure all the links are alive?

Yes! there's not CI yet tho, I think @ouiliame deploys using this script. I'll add a github workflow to take care of publishing on gh pages and do 404 checks

CI is set up by @YunSuk-Yeo

I'll take care of it!

will be integrated in CI when #6 is merged

this workflow tests for dead links on docs.terra.money and is triggered after a new page deployment

![Test links](https://github.com/terra-project/docs/workflows/Test%20links/badge.svg?branch=master)

badge link (Test links)