
voting error with version v1.3.0

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I switched to Terra core v0.4.5 and feeder v1.3.0 but see this error on feeder's voting:
broadcast error: code: 13, raw_log: insufficient fee: insufficient fees; got: "", required: "190000uaud,190000ucad,140000uchf,980000ucny,..."(gas) +""(stability)
Any idea why?

Terra Core version:
name: terra
server_name: terrad
client_name: terracli
version: 0.4.5
commit: 534de88dbac0519f6f852ed411905b71a6c42e4e
build_tags: netgo,ledger
go: go version go1.13.3 linux/amd64

any idea why is this happening?

If you have --gas-prices parameter in your feeder command line, set the value to 169.77ukrw

Oh and please upgrade it to the latest version (1.3.4 at the moment)

Tried the latest version v1.3.4 (it is the current mater branch per the commit hash)and see this error:

broadcast error: txhash not found: 8633CCA6DD70802F9BE59A1D0101527E5A5D6FD9E074A5C34CB26B2EBAFF12C8

Here is the feeder start command:

npm start vote -- \
   --source http://localhost:8532/latest \
   --lcd https://lcd.terra.dev \
   --chain-id columbus-4 \
   --denoms sdr,krw,usd,mnt,eur,cny,jpy,gbp,inr,cad,chf,hkd,aud,sgd,thb \
   --validator terravaloper*** \
   --password "***********" \
   --gas-prices 169.77ukrw

Running the lower version v1.2.1 works fine but that feeder burns krw very quickly, like 28 ukrw for every vote. Not sustainable.
Do you see issues in the feeder running command?

@litaochen I just fixed this issue.

You'll need 2 things:

  • Run LCD locally: terracli rest-server --chain-id=columbus-4 --laddr=tcp://localhost:1317 --node tcp://localhost:26657 --trust-node

  • Update terrad to v0.4.5 and restard terrad service

And you'll be able to run it with:
npm start vote -- --source http://localhost:8532/latest --lcd http://localhost:1317 --chain-id columbus-4 --denoms sdr,krw,usd,mnt,eur,cny,jpy,gbp,inr,cad,chf,hkd,aud,sgd,thb --validator terravaloper*************** --password "********" --gas-prices 0.0ukrw

@Lucas-L Thanks a lot! it worked with your method.