
Utilize existing Security Group

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Is it possible to utilize an existing security group for the mount targets rather than creating a new one?
If not, it would be nice if this were possible.


Thanks. Would the syntax look like this?

  mount_targets = {
    "eu-west-1a" = {
      subnet_id = "subnet-abcde012",
      security_groups = ["sg-abcde012"]
    "eu-west-1b" = {
      subnet_id = "subnet-bcde012a",
      security_groups = ["sg-abcde012"]
    "eu-west-1c" = {
      subnet_id = "subnet-fghi345a",
      security_groups = ["sg-abcde012"]

Looks like that is the syntax. Thanks.

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