
Karpenter example does not work, pods are pending (version 20.29.0)

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I think there might have been a regression on this issue

I get a very similar issue. I followed the example directly, and get the following result

Warning  FailedScheduling  92s   default-scheduler  0/2 nodes are available: 2 node(s) had untolerated taint {CriticalAddonsOnly: true}. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.

The CoreDns pods run fine

  • ✋ I have searched the open/closed issues and my issue is not listed.

⚠️ Note

Before you submit an issue, please perform the following first:

  1. Remove the local .terraform directory (! ONLY if state is stored remotely, which hopefully you are following that best practice!): rm -rf .terraform/
  2. Re-initialize the project root to pull down modules: terraform init
  3. Re-attempt your terraform plan or apply and check if the issue still persists


  • Module version [Required]: 20.29.0

  • Terraform version: OpenTofu v1.8.4

  • Provider version(s): hashicorp/aws v5.76.0

Reproduction Code [Required]

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Are you using workspaces?


Have you cleared the local cache (see Notice section above)?


Expected behavior

The pods are scheduled and running

Actual behavior

The example pods just stay pending

Terminal Output Screenshot(s)

Tolerations:                 node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
                             node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
  Type     Reason            Age   From               Message
  ----     ------            ----  ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  92s   default-scheduler  0/2 nodes are available: 2 node(s) had untolerated taint {CriticalAddonsOnly: true}. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.

Additional context

Thats on me. My subnetSelectorTerms had a different tag than was defined in my VPC.

I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.