
range_partitioning does not work

halil-burak opened this issue · 4 comments

When we try to create our BQ tables, we want to use range_partitioning in one of them. We could not generate the range partition on of them. I've been using this module for a while but not able to use range_partitioning on a table. There is no error but the range partitioning is not applied, is not shown on plan output.

We are using this terraform registry and Google's provider for this.

Can you share your Terraform config?

Of course. I'm sharing the scripts and configs below.

module usage with dataset and table with range partitioning

module "testing_the_range_partitioning" {
  source  = "terraform-google-modules/bigquery/google"
  version = "~> 4.4"

  dataset_id   = "testing_the_range_partitioning"
  dataset_name = "test range"
  description  = "Dataset containing tables for person and job staging data"
  project_id   = var.project_id
  location     = "EU"

  tables = [
      table_id            = "testing_the_range_partitioning_table",
      schema              = "./schema.json",
      time_partitioning   = null,
      deletion_protection = false,
      range_partitioning = {
        field = "personId",
        range = {
          start    = "1",
          end      = "1000000",
          interval = "10000",
      expiration_time = null,
      clustering      = null,
      labels          = {},
  access = [] # pass empty not to conflict with below

provider.tf for google provider --> Google as a provider

provider "google" {
  version     = "~> 3.90"
  project     = var.project_id
  region      = var.region
  credentials = file("key.json")

schema.json file

    "mode": "NULLABLE",
    "name": "personId",
    "type": "INTEGER"
      "fields": [
        "name": "actor",
        "type": "STRING"
        "name": "action",
        "type": "STRING"
    "mode": "REPEATED",
    "name": "personData",
    "type": "RECORD"
    "mode": "NULLABLE",
    "name": "createdAt",
    "type": "TIMESTAMP"
    "mode": "NULLABLE",
    "name": "updatedAt",
    "type": "TIMESTAMP"

I've figured out what was the issue. We were using version 4.3 and 4.4 of this module, I upgraded to version 5.X and started getting schema errors. After some research, I found out that I had to use file() function for the json schema. Then it worked.

@halil-burak Glad it worked for you!