
Terraform Validator v0.6.0 change to release binary format not handled by Cloud Build builder Dockerfile

timantrobus opened this issue · 4 comments

The v0.6.0 release of Terraform Validator changes the format of the release binaries to a zipped tarball per these release notes : https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/terraform-validator/releases/tag/v0.6.0

This also means the file names of the release binaries available in GCS have changed since version 0.5.1. See the below example illustrating the difference :

  • v0.5.1 : gs://terraform-validator/releases/v0.5.1/terraform-validator-linux-amd64
  • v0.6.0 : gs://terraform-validator/releases/v0.6.0/terraform-validator_linux_amd64-0.6.0.tar.gz

This change is currently not supported by the Cloud Build builder Dockerfile and results in a build error indicating it cannot find the terraform-validator binary.

Also the Dockerfile will need to be amended to unzip and extract the tarball as it only unzips it currently.

makes sense to me @timantrobus - would you mind creating a PR to make this work?

cc @bharathkkb FYI

Thanks for the feedback @rjerrems.

I'm on holiday now until 1st September but am happy to raise a PR for this change when I get back if the issue has not already been resolved by then 👍

sounds good @timantrobus

Hi @rjerrems : FYI I've raised PR #121 with a proposed fix for this issue.