
"Try" function not supported in v0.12.6

saurabh24292 opened this issue · 3 comments

Terraform Version


Terraform Configuration Files

Below is what we have in the main.tf:
locals {
  seed_project_id             = format("%s-%s", var.project_prefix, "seed")
  impersonation_apis          = distinct(concat(var.activate_apis, ["serviceusage.googleapis.com", "iamcredentials.googleapis.com"]))
  impersonation_enabled_count = var.sa_enable_impersonation == true ? 1 : 0
  activate_apis               = var.sa_enable_impersonation == true ? local.impersonation_apis : var.activate_apis
  org_project_creators        = distinct(concat(var.org_project_creators, ["serviceAccount:${google_service_account.org_terraform.email}", "group:${var.group_org_admins}"]))
  is_organization             = var.parent_folder == "" ? true : false
  parent_id                   = var.parent_folder == "" ? var.org_id : split("/", var.parent_folder)[1]
  seed_org_depends_on         = try(google_folder_iam_member.tmp_project_creator.0.etag, "") != "" ? var.org_id : google_organization_iam_member.tmp_project_creator.0.org_id

I am trying to use the terraform-example-foundation repo and running the bootstrap part.

Expected Behavior

It should have run without any errors.

Actual Behavior

Error: Call to unknown function

  on .terraform/modules/seed_bootstrap/main.tf line 25, in locals:
  25:   seed_org_depends_on         = try(google_folder_iam_member.tmp_project_creator.0.etag, "") != "" ? var.org_id : google_organization_iam_member.tmp_project_creator.0.org_id

There is no function named "try".

Can you try with the latest Terraform version (v0.12.28)?

try was added in 0.12.20. We should update the required_version to ~>0.12.20 here and in example foundations.

Awesome. Would be a good to update the Readme too with the correct version.