
Support for max_instances argument

fpoon opened this issue · 3 comments

fpoon commented


It seems that this module lacks support for cloud function max_instances argument, though the underlying event-function module seems to support it.
Adding this would protect users against unlimited scaling in case of pubsub malfunction (e.g. constant failing to acknowledge message and redelivering it, which might result in increasing number of cloud function instances)

Terraform Resources

No response

Detailed design

module "main" {
  max_instances = var.function_max_instances

variable "function_max_intances" {
  type        = number
  default     = 0
  description = "The maximum number of parallel executions of the function."

Additional information

If you are ok with this proposal, I'll be happy to contribute code :)

@fpoon happy to review a PR adding this

fpoon commented

Hi, here's the PR: #67