
Getting "Error: Output refers to sensitive values" like in issue #163

mattdecorniquet opened this issue · 2 comments


Getting "Error: Output refers to sensitive values" like in issue #163 while running terragrunt plan despite no changes since last successful apply.

Expected behavior

I expected to validate the plan output before trying to update module dependencies, provider and terraform to latest versions.

Observed behavior

I received the following error:

│ Error: Output refers to sensitive values
│   on outputs.tf line 22:
│   22: output "instances_details" {
│ To reduce the risk of accidentally exporting sensitive data that was
│ intended to be only internal, Terraform requires that any root module
│ output containing sensitive data be explicitly marked as sensitive, to
│ confirm your intent.
│ If you do intend to export this data, annotate the output value as
│ sensitive by adding the following argument:
│     sensitive = true

Terraform Configuration

instance config:

locals {
  env_vars     = read_terragrunt_config(find_in_parent_folders("env.hcl"))
  gcp_project = local.env_vars.locals.gcp_project
  gcp_region  = local.env_vars.locals.gcp_region

terraform {
  source  = "git@github.com:terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-vm.git//modules/compute_instance?ref=v7.7.0"

include {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

dependencies {
  paths = ["../vpc", "../instance-template"]

dependency "vpc" {
  config_path = "../vpc"

dependency "instance-template" {
  config_path = "../instance-template"

inputs = {
  project_id                = local.gcp_project
  region                    = local.gcp_region
  network                   = dependency.vpc.outputs.network_name
  subnetwork                = dependency.vpc.outputs.subnets_names[0]
  hostname                  = "vmagent-${local.gcp_project}"
  instance_template         = dependency.instance-template.outputs.self_link

provider config:

provider "google" {
region = "${local.gcp_region}"
version = "~>4.17.0"
project = "${local.gcp_project}"

### Terraform Version

Terraform v0.15.4
on darwin_amd64
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/github v5.8.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/google v4.17.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/google-beta v4.17.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/local v1.4.0

Additional information

Downgrading to a module version before 7.0.0 which does have the sensitive = true code fixes the issue.
So I'm not sure how this is happening but it's basically #163 again.
I've looked into my dependencies to see if maybe something sensitive was injected but I don't think that's the case.

I hope you can help shine a light on this puzzle !

It can be fixed by generating new outputs.tf file with adding "sensitive = true" to the block. But when you describe your terragrunt.hcl it really doesn't look nice. You don't want to paste it into your code, but I didn't find any better solution.

generate "outputs" {
  path = "outputs.tf"

  if_exists = "overwrite"

  contents = <<EOF
output "instances_self_links" {
  description = "List of self-links for compute instances"
  value       = google_compute_instance_from_template.compute_instance.*.self_link

output "instances_details" {
  description = "List of all details for compute instances"
  value       = google_compute_instance_from_template.compute_instance.*
  sensitive   = true

output "available_zones" {
  description = "List of available zones in region"
  value       = data.google_compute_zones.available.names

I understand that it did for working with some old terraform versions, see - #193.
Now actual version of terraform is 1.3.5, but we still support this legacy. Maybe it's right although not as convenient.

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