
Kitchen verification fails: bq-script requires activated SA

paulpalamarchuk opened this issue · 0 comments

Python script "bq" requires activated service account:

  ×  big_query_vpc_positive_test: Command: `bq query --use_legacy=false --project_id=ci-cca9-policy-0 'select * from `ci-cca9-policy-0.sample_dataset.example_table` limit 10'` (2 failed)
     ×  Command: `bq query --use_legacy=false --project_id=ci-cca9-policy-0 'select * from `ci-cca9-policy-0.sample_dataset.example_table` limit 10'` exit_status should equal 0
     expected #<Integer:1> => 0
          got #<Integer:3> => 1
     Compared using equal?, which compares object identity,
     but expected and actual are not the same object. Use
     `expect(actual).to eq(expected)` if you don't care about
     object identity in this example.

     ×  Command: `bq query --use_legacy=false --project_id=ci-cca9-policy-0 'select * from `ci-cca9-policy-0.sample_dataset.example_table` limit 10'` stderr should include "Current status: DONE"
     expected "ERROR: (bq) Your current active account [None] does not have any valid credentials\nPlease run:\n\n ...or service account, please activate it first:\n\n  $ gcloud auth activate-service-account ACCOUNT\n" to include "Current status: DONE"