
output vpe details

vburckhardt opened this issue · 3 comments


If possible FQDN + 3 IP / AZ + ports for VPE master, oauth, container, ...

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for this one, I think the approach that could be taken would be to return the attributes of the underlying provider object https://registry.terraform.io/providers/IBM-Cloud/ibm/latest/docs/resources/is_virtual_endpoint_gateway

The VPEs are already looked up at

master_vpe_id = [for vpe in data.ibm_is_virtual_endpoint_gateways.all_vpes[0].virtual_endpoint_gateways : vpe.id if strcontains(vpe.name, "iks-${local.cluster_id}")][0]
, so it is just a matter of adjusting the logic here surface the virtual_endpoint_gateways as output.

Solution with outputting each vpe and details merged. Closing issue.