
Exception: The indicator is not allowed to be zero-length

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Try to execute the following query in a QueryEditorWindow with NQuery ActiproLink:

SELECT  'abc'.Split(CAST('b', char), 0)

You get the following exception:

The indicator is not allowed to be zero-length. This also may have occurred if you specified a TextRange that is outside the bounds of the document. (ActiproSoftware.SyntaxEditor.Net20)

Program Location:

at ActiproSoftware.SyntaxEditor.SpanIndicatorLayer.Add(SpanIndicator indicator, TextRange textRange, Boolean throwOnTextRangeException)
at ActiproSoftware.SyntaxEditor.SpanIndicatorLayer.Add(SpanIndicator indicator, TextRange textRange)
at NQuery.UI.ActiproLink.LoadErrors(IEnumerable`1 errors)
at NQuery.Evaluatable.OnCompilationFailed(CompilationFailedEventArgs args)
at NQuery.Query.Compile()
at NQuery.Query.ExecuteDataTable()
at ....QueryEditorWindow.ExecuteQuery()