Checks the settings for all S3 buckets in an AWS account for public access
For an introduction, read Securing S3 buckets with s3audit
Download and install the latest release from GitHub
Or install the NPM package:
$ npm install -g s3audit
AWS credentials will be taken from environment variables. It is recommended to run this in combination with AWS Vault
s3audit --bucket=s3-bucket=name
s3audit --format=console
s3audit --format=csv
s3audit --enable-check=policy --enable-check=acl
s3audit --disable-check=logging --enable-check=logging
You should use a role which is allowed these actions for all buckets in your account:
$ aws-vault exec <profile> -- s3audit
❯ Checking 1 bucket
❯ s3audit-demo
❯ Bucket public access configuration
✖ BlockPublicAcls is set to false
✖ IgnorePublicAcls is set to false
✖ BlockPublicPolicy is set to false
✖ RestrictPublicBuckets is set to false
✖ Server side encryption is not enabled
✖ Object versioning is not enabled
✖ MFA Delete is not enabled
✔ Static website hosting is disabled
✔ Bucket policy doesn't allow a wildcard entity
✔ Bucket ACL doesn't allow access to "Everyone" or "Any authenticated AWS user"
✖ Logging is not enabled