
Does not work on all images

Opened this issue · 4 comments

The pin it button only shows on a few images. Can you help. texmacdirect.com

Hi Frank

I took a look at the site you listed and had a hard time identifying any
"post" or "page" type pages in your WordPress install. It seems to
primarily be woo commerce. I have not yet completed integrating the plugin
to work with WooCommerce.

This plugin also only puts the widget over images the main content of a
post, if you can point me to where you have a "post" or "page" on the site
that has an image where you expect the widget to be I'd be happy to look
further into this.

Terri Ann,
Thank you for the quick response. I was thinking that it had something to do with woo commerce. I was hoping the plug in would add a pin to every product image.
Thank you

Frank Morley
IT Systems and Support Manager
3001 Stafford Drive
Charlotte, NC 28208

Sorry frank that on my to do list as I'm opening up a woo commerce shop
later this month so I'll leave this issue open and update it when I work on
that feature so you can check out the plugin again if you haven't found a
suitable replacement for woo commerce!!

Thanks. Be sure to let me know.

Frank Morley
IT Systems and Support Manager