
Rails gem like this?

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I like motion-juxtapose a lot. Is there a Rails (or Ruby) equivalent we could use on Rails web apps?

I haven't seen anything out there like this for Ruby web apps. That said,in theory, it shouldn't be all that hard to extent motion-juxtapose to work with Rails. Some of the infrastructure is already in place:

Mostly, I just need to carve out some time and spike this out. :)

That would be fantastic, @thegreatape. If I didn't already have ProMotion and MotionKit stuff stacked up I'd offer to help. :)

I had some free time today, so I hacked out a proof of concept. If you want to try it out early, I'd love some feedback: https://github.com/terriblelabs/motion-juxtapose/tree/poltergeist-screenshots

Sweet, I'll check it out when I can. This week is pretty full already (got behind on a project).