
Support of async stepfunctions

Weugene opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Async AWS SDK for Python version: 10.4.0
  • Python version: 3.9.13
  • Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise


It would be very nice to have an asynchronous AWS stepfunctions service with the possibility of asynchronously running the step function, getting the state of the step function, canceling the process, getting output, etc.

The question: how to make stepfunction to be asynchronous? Maybe somebody has an experience with it.

What I Did

In the synchronous version, we have:

client = boto3.client('stepfunctions', region_name="us-west-2")
response = client.list_state_machines(
print("stepfunctions:", response)

Here the full documentation can be found for the synchronous stepfunction.

However, according to the aioboto3 documentation, it doesn't support asynchronous stepfunctions service:

The only available resources are:

  • cloudformation
  • cloudwatch
  • dynamodb
  • ec2
  • glacier
  • Iam
  • opsworks
  • s3
  • sns
  • sqs

It was not documented that stepfunctions works well

Pretty much all the AWS api calls work fine. I didn't see the need to go through and document that each of them works.