
Add basic dynamodb BatchGetItem support

mpareja opened this issue · 2 comments


Dynamo offers a simple API for retrieving a batch of items by ID: BatchGetItem. It allows up to 100 items to be retrieved in one round trip. It would be great to have support for this simple operation.

I noticed another issue entitled BatchGetItem. This issue conflates a number of concerns, including a background worker for pulling data. I'm not interested in this. Just the ability to make this request-response API call.

I'm going to close this ticket. I realized that batch_get_item exists and is part of the top-level client rather than the Table I was working with. Sorry for the disruption!

@mpareja I'm running into this same issue, and wanted to learn how I can use BatchGetItem in aioboto3. Could you share how you did it? I would so greatly appreciate it!