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Would it be bloating if there was an option to step through a collection of images (gallery) using classic prev / next buttons while you are in "focus" mode?

Then it would be the neatest gallery plugin ever!

Hi Johan,

That is actually a very legitimate suggestion — I did toss and mince this idea in my mind before porting my original script over to GitHub, but finally decided against it because it would be bloating a very simple and elegant lightbox alternative. Some considerations I can think of when adding a "gallery mode" to Fluidbox:

  • That we need a mechanism to determine groups of images that belong to the same gallery (i.e. when there is a mix of images meant for galleries and those that are not on the same page). That can be easily be circumvented by using classes or preferably HTML5 data- attributes
  • Transitioning between gallery images, as the default Fluidbox behavior is to scale up/down the images and position it in the center of the viewport. How should FB handle transitions between gallery images? Some would prefer a straight-forward image replacement/fadeIn-Out transition, but that means needing to recalculate scaling factors and etc... or one can rely on the default FB behavior, to collapse and expand the old and new images respectively, but I have a feeling this will be disruptive.

For the same reason, I have decided not to include captions for the images. However, you are free to fork and modify Fluidbox to suit your needs.

Fast reply!

I might work something out. I just experience it quite distracting having to click / close each image in a gallery, as you present it on codepen.

Either way, it's the first lightbox I've ever considered to use :)

Thanks man, really appreciate the compliments. Credit still goes to the Medium team for devising an interesting way to present larger versions of embedded images. I just took their idea and ported it into a plugin for general use.