
Version description not up to date

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The description of the plugin version reads 1.2.1 in all files/downloads. Should match the latest release.

Also there's still one white flash when opening and closing (OSX Safari 7.0.2 and Chrome 33). Is this intentional? Medium has a very smooth transition without flickering. Would totally use your plugin if it was that way.

Anyways, kudos for a nice lightbox, love the positioning.

Thanks for highlighting that — must be a genuine oversight on my behalf.

The reason for the white flash when closing Fluidbox is due to the opacity being transitioned on the higher resolution (and newly loaded) image and its smaller thumbnail (originally present on the page). I am thinking of using the visibility toggle to achieve this, or various other fixes, but don't expect the white flash to be fixed too soon :)

[Edit] The reason why Medium does not have the flash is because the original high res image is already loaded on the page itself, which I feel that it is not ideal because it wastes unnecessary bandwidth even when the end user has no intention to view the actual high res image itself.

Thanks for pointing that out. I totally agree on not loading the full res right away. Hope you can get a workaround some day, maybe I'll try to fiddle on my own or other people might contribute. I'll check back regularly :)

Issue has been fixed — left more detailed comments at your pull request :)