
unable to run Horton.Main

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I don't know what I am missing or whether you need to do something at your end at all as I started to forget sbt usage. I guess it is not meant for me to run like this? I should be creating a new project and make reference to it and not simply clone project and try to run directly?

I am unable to run Horton.Main unless I copy the whole package from test to src as described here.

After doing the copy to src, it works in regular sbt console in Terminal (no IDE involved).
sbt> run ocaps.examples.horton.Main

I just need to use sbt as follows:

sbt> test:run
Multiple main classes detected, select one to run:

 [1] ocaps.examples.AfterAmplification
 [2] ocaps.examples.AfterAttenuation
 [3] ocaps.examples.Amplification
 [4] ocaps.examples.Attenuation
 [5] ocaps.examples.Before
 [6] ocaps.examples.Composition
 [7] ocaps.examples.Delegation
 [8] ocaps.examples.DynamicSeal
 [9] ocaps.examples.Effects
 [10] ocaps.examples.Expiration
 [11] ocaps.examples.Gatekeeper
 [12] ocaps.examples.Membrane
 [13] ocaps.examples.Modulation
 [14] ocaps.examples.RepositoryComposition
 [15] ocaps.examples.Revocation
 [16] ocaps.examples.SealedMint
 [17] ocaps.examples.Subtypes
 [18] ocaps.examples.horton.Main
Enter number: [info] Done packaging.

[info] Running ocaps.examples.horton.Main 

and it works fine