
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

OneTwo Reporting

User Guide

(for the developer guide, see further down)

OneTwo Reporting has three top level commands that can be executed on a batch of generated report text-files:

  • diff: Show differences between two simulation runs
  • graph: Generate graph statistics of one or more simulation runs
  • stats: Show statistics of one or more simulation runs in the console


A command is followed by a set of options that define its behaviour. If no options are given, sane defaults are used but there is no recovering from errors (e.g. if files are not found).

Common Defaults

  • --glob(M): *MessageStats*.txt
  • --report-dir: ./reports/
  • --stat(M): delivery_prob

Options marked with an (M) can be passed in more than once in order to define a list of values for that option. See here for an exmple

Main Program

The main program has no function other than to show version info or help. Other than that, it mainly delegates the work to the top level of commands.

$ toolkit.py --help                                   
Usage: toolkit.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -v, --version  Show version and exit.
  --help         Show this message and exit.

  graph  Draw graphs based on the generated report files
  stats  Get stats from the generated report files

Toolkit Graph

graph will build graphs from reporting data files using the Seaborn library. Most notably, there are two parameters that get passed on directly to Seaborn in order to define the appearance of the graphs:

  • --context: Affects size of the labels, lines, and other elements of the plot. Can be either paper, notebook, talk, or poster. See https://seaborn.pydata.org/generated/seaborn.set_context.html for more details
  • --style: Sets of properties that define the color of the background and whether a grid is enabled by default.
$ toolkit.py graph --help
Usage: toolkit.py graph [OPTIONS]

  Draw graphs based on the generated report files

  -d, --report-dir PATH           Report directory.  [default: ./reports/]
  -f, --output-format [PNG|JPG]   [default: PNG]
  -g, --glob TEXT                 Glob pattern to look for in reports
                                  directory.  [default: *MessageStats*.txt]
  -o, --output-dir PATH           Output directory.  [default: ./images/]
  -s, --stat [*|aborted|buffertime_avg|buffertime_med|created|delivered|...]
                                  Name of the statistics value that should be
                                  parsed from the report files  [default:
  -c, --context [notebook|paper|poster|talk]
                                  Seaborn context for the generated graphs
                                  [default: paper]
  -p, --palette [bright|colorblind|dark|deep|muted|pastel]
                                  Seaborn color palette for the generated
                                  graphs  [default: muted]
  -y, --style [dark|darkgrid|ticks|white|whitegrid]
                                  Seaborn theme for the generated graphs
                                  [default: whitegrid]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Toolkit Stats

stats will output Pandas dataframes of the reporting data to the console. To view multiple stat-fields at once, more than one --stat argument is allowed. The flag --separate-tables can be used to output one table per stat.

$ toolkit.py stats --help
Usage: toolkit.py stats [OPTIONS]

  Get stats from the generated report files

  -d, --report-dir PATH           Report directory.
  -g, --glob TEXT                 Glob pattern(s) to look for in reports
  -o, --output-dir PATH           Output directory.
  -s, --stat [*|aborted|buffertime_avg|buffertime_med|created|delivered|delivery_prob|dropped|hopcount_avg|hopcount_med|latency_avg|latency_med|overhead_ratio|relayed|removed|response_prob|rtt_avg|rtt_med|sim_time|started]
                                  Name of the statistics value(s) that should
                                  be parsed from the report files
  -t, --separate-tables           Show all stats in separate tables
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Usage Examples

Assuming a user has reports from a series of simulation runs called

  • simrun_01_MessageStatsReport.txt
  • simrun_02_MessageStatsReport.txt
  • ...
  • simrun_15_MessageStatsReport.txt

in the directory ./reports/, the following commands can be issued to view different aspects of the reports:

Compare message statistics over multiple runs

To examine more than one statistic about the run(s), call stats with multiple --stat options:

$ toolkit.py stats --stat 'created' --stat 'delivered' --stat 'delivery_prob'

           created  delivered  delivery_prob
simrun_01     1463        398         0.2720
simrun_02     1463        401         0.2741
simrun_14     1463        399         0.2727
simrun_15     1463        394         0.2693

Developer Guide


OneTwo Reporting is proud to be using the Poetry dependency management and packaging tool. Install it as describe here.

To install all dependencies, simply cd into the project directory and run poetry shell and then poetry install and everything should work out just fine.