
Node 8 Build Testing

rwaldron opened this issue · 5 comments

Here's how I confirmed this build:

  1. Connect a Tessel 2 to your local machine. Make sure it has a WiFi connection!!
  2. Create a temporary working directory, download the builds and update the Tessel 2:
    tmp=$(mktemp -d -t "tessel-release.XXXXXXXX");
    mkdir $tmp/builds;
    cd $tmp;
    wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/cijlesmhfflkj0i/d81c023d18e85bc3ea36b379c7dbb46d12c256ae.tar.gz?dl=0 -O builds.tar.gz;
    tar -zxvf $tmp/builds.tar.gz -C $tmp/builds/;
    t2 update --openwrt-path=$tmp/builds/openwrt.bin --firmware-path=$tmp/builds/firmware.bin;
  3. SSH to Tessel 2 (requires WiFi)
    t2 root
  4. Once on board, verify the Node version:
    node -v
  5. Exit the connection:

At this point I would HIGHLY recommend testing the installation with some projects that are pure JS, as we do not yet have support for pre-compiled modules. I've file an issue for that.

Can’t wait to test this out. 👏

This worked for me. Tested out a basic program:

const { promisify } = require('util');
const tessel = require('tessel');

const green = tessel.led[2];
const toggle = promisify(green.toggle).bind(green);

const sleep = (wait = 1000) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, wait));

const main = async () => {
  while (true) {
    console.log('Toggling the green led');
    await toggle();

    console.log('Sleeping for 2 seconds');
    await sleep(2000);


ooooo that's sassy

Do we need more testers? Happy to help and I have a couple Tessels I can use. Otherwise, do we close this?

Closing as Node 8 is running on Tessel 2